About us
Primary Research Areas
Microelectronics and VLSI:
analog, RF, digital and mixed-signal ICs, architecture, embedded systems.
Control Systems:
fuzzy systems and their applications, intelligent control, robotic systems, neural networks and their applications, hybrid models of neural network and fuzzy.
Electric Power and Energy Systems:
power systems and power electronics, renewable energy, smart grid, cogeneration, energy efficiency, power system analysis, power quality, power industry deregulation, and power converter applications.
Electro-optical Engineering:
nano-photonics technology in surface plasma sensors, fiber-optics bio-sensors, high speed vacuum microelectronics with carbon nanotube and grapheme emitter, and advance thin film transistor for display applications by rapid thermal annealing of polycrystalline silicon.
Antenna and Microwave:
antenna design, EMI measurement, RFID, bio-electromagnetic application and high-speed interconnect, etc.
Core Courses
Introduction to computer, programming, logic design, logic design experiments, electric circuits(I)(II), electronics(I)(II), electromagnetics(I)(II), electrical engineering laboratory, programming laboratory, electrical and electronic circuits laboratory, project laboratory, differential equation, linear algebra, Fourier analysis and its applications, probability and statistics, signals and systems, integrated circuit design, microprocessor applications, computer architecture, introduction to electrical machinery, control system design, integrated circuit design, digital signal processing.
Modern filter design, introduction to embedded system, digital electronic circuits, RFIC design, analog integrated circuits, introduction to VLSI, mixed-signal IC design. Fuzzy theory and applications, control system design, numerical methods, multivariable linear systems, robotic systems, adaptive control, system identification, optimal control. Electrical power distribution for industry, power system analysis, power electronics, power system operation and control, switching power supply, smart power grid. Electro-optical engineering, solid-state electronic device and physics, modern optics, laser optics, display technology, IC process technology, thin-film technology and nano-technology.